Track 5-e-Business

Please submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- e-Business systems
- Electronic negotiation and protocols
- Payment systems
- e-Procurement methods
- Techniques for B2B e-Commerce
- Service-oriented e-Commerce
- Trust, security, and privacy
- Development of e-Business and applications-
- Supply chain management
- e-Retailing and web design
- Applications of new technologies to e-Business
- Middleware technologies to support e-business
- Case studies and applications
- B2B and B2C applications
- Entrepreneurial E-Business Best Practices
- Legal, Ethical, Cultural, Training and Social Issues related to E-Business
- Knowledge Management through New Generation E-Business

Track Chairs:
Venkatesh Mahadevan swinburn University,Australia
Shailendra Singh Rajiv Gandhi Technological University