Call for Special Sessions


We invite you to submit special session proposals on any topic related to the broad areas of interest of the conference. The special session should cover a topic that is contemporary, hot, and complementary to the regular sessions. The special session should be able to generate enthusiasm among the conference participants. Each organized session should have a minimum of 6 registered papers that will be subject to the regular review cycle. The session organizers have full authority in soliciting papers for the session. Each session is limited to no more than 2 organizers. Proposals should be submitted before the deadline of August 31, 2022. Only registered participants can be designated as a session chair to avoid no show onsite.

Special Session Proposal Submission Details

A 2-page maximum PDF file, including the following:

- Title of the special session.
- Description of the topics that the special session will address, how the special session complements the reviewed paper sessions in the main conference, and why the theme of the special session is relevant.
- Expected format of the special session (ideas to promote the active exchange of ideas especially in a virtual format).
- Organizers with a short bio, affiliation, and their expertise in the proposed topic(s)

Please submit your special session proposal to Special Sessions Chair Dr. Gabriella Casalino <>.