

All Authors
Regular registration: US$ 150.00
Extra paper : US$ 125.00 / Paper
Extra page US$ 20.00 / Page
Conference attendee only registration: US$ 50.00

Authors from India
Regular registration: INR 6000.0
Extra paper : INR 6000.0 / Paper
Extra page INR 1000.0 / Page
Conference attendee only registration: INR 2000.00

For online registration,please follow the link below:
ISDA 2022:
HIS 2022:
IAS 2022:
SoCPaR 2022:
NaBIC 2022:
IBICA 2022:
WICT 2022:

Please note the following:

1. Registration is only possible by using the links above. Please make sure that your cards are enabled for International - Online payments. Check with the bank before you attempt payment. If you encounter any problems, you have to contact the service provider ( with all the details including screenshots, so they can try to help you (See link:

2. One FULL registration entitles you to attend all the seven events, plenary sessions, special sessions and technical sessions. Normal registration covers only ONE paper (of 10 pages as per Springer format). If you have multiple papers in separate events, you have to register only once and then register all others as extra papers. Attendance certificates will be issued only to the registered author who has also presented the paper.

3. Attendee only registration (mainly for non-authors, non-presenting authors) entitles you to attend all the seven events, plenary sessions, special sessions and technical sessions.We will also issue an attendance certificate.

4. All events will be online following UK time (GMT +1:00) from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Authors will have the option to present the paper online on Zoom platform or offline by sending us the PPT / PDF of the presentation. Authors will get these options, once registered.

5. Registered attendees also need to save a copy of the registration receipt and upload in a google form along with the final camera ready paper, copyright form, presentation choice etc. Google form link will be sent by email.